My fingers are clicking and getting stuck. They really hurt.

My fingers are clicking and getting stuck. They really hurt. Do you ever feel a clicking sensation in your fingers? Were you about to open your hand so you could pick something up and notice that one of the fingers remains stuck in a bent position? You may have a condition called trigger finger. Trigger …

My thumb is very painful when I try to open jars. What’s going on?

My thumb is very painful when I try to open jars. What’s going on? Does the base of your thumb hurt when you are attempting to twist open jars or turn knobs? You may have arthritis involving the basilar thumb (thumb carpometacarpal joint). Thumb Base Arthritis. Picture 1: Basilar thumb (thumb CMC joint area) circled. …

My fingernail has an indentation. I have a cyst near my fingernail. Sometimes jelly-like fluid comes out near my fingernail.

My fingernail has an indentation. I have a cyst near my fingernail. Sometimes jelly-like fluid comes out near my fingernail. Did you notice a small indentation or ridge develop on your fingernail, followed by a small growth on the top side of your finger (side your fingernail is on)? Maybe, the mass grew and then …

Doc, I fell when I was playing pickleball.

Doc, I fell when I was playing pickleball. Pickleball is enjoyed by individuals of many ages. However, the quick reflexes and movements required for success on the court may lead to occasional injuries. Most commonly, these injuries occur after an on-court trip and fall. After falling, patients may sustain an injury to the wrist. In …

“Doc, what do you mean I have a fracture, I thought I had a break.” So, I have a Fracture.
Now What?

“Doc, what do you mean I have a fracture, I thought I had a break.” So, I have a Fracture. Now What? Patients often present to orthopedic clinics with broken bones. A broken bone is synonymous with a fractured bone. These breaks affect a variety of locations and occur both after low energy (i.e. ground …

“Digital” Thumb Sprain
Preventing Hand Fatigue and Pain in a World of Digital Devices

“Digital” Thumb Sprain Preventing Hand Fatigue and Pain in a World of Digital Devices In this very digital world, we tend to spend a lot of time holding our tablets and smartphones. Little do we realize that we sometimes place pressure on joints and ligaments which may become a source of discomfort with repeated stress. …